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Moment Book FAQs
See some printed books!

If you don't see your answer here, feel free to ... we're standing by and would love to hear from you!

How much do Moment Books cost?
5.5" Pocket 8" Classic 12" Premium
Cover Type Soft Hard Hard
Paper Type 80lb Gloss (Excellent) 100lb Matte (Premier) 100lb Matte (Premier)
Base Cost $9 $29 $49
First 20 pages Included Included Included
Each Additional Page $0.50 $0.50 $1.00

Are the Moment Books good quality?

Our printing partner has been in the industry for over 30 years providing world-class printing for the Photo and Publishing Industries. We use the original high resolution images you uploaded to Moment Garden resulting in exceptional book quality. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase or the quality of the book, we will make it right or refund you. If you have more technical questions on printing feel free to contact us at help@momentgarden.com.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of moments?

You need a minimum of 20 moments and the maximum number is around 1200 depending on the types of moments and layout. We indicate these limits by not allowing you to select a collection of moments outside this range:

Do you ship international, and what is the cost?

Yes - we ship almost anywhere in the world! There is a $7 USD surcharge for 2-4 week delivery and a $20 surcharge for Priority International shipping (1-2 weeks). Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Editing your Moment Book
How do I edit or delete a moment from my Moment Book?

To make a photo its own page, or remove the moment from your book, click on the gear symbol in the top left corner:

How do I edit my Moment Book?

Click the Book Options button at the bottom of the book to edit your book:

How do I change the photo on the cover?

At the top of each cover page is a "Change Cover" button. Click this button to select a new photo for your cover page.

How do I edit or remove a page?

To edit or remove a page from your Moment Book, click the "Page Options" at the top of the book:

How do I combine moments on a single page?

When you create a Moment Book it will automatically group similar moments on a single page when applicable, assuming your book is large enough. To group moments together yourself, or change the way they are grouped, click on the photo to bring up the Moment Options. Then choose "Add to Another Page" and specify the page you'd like to group the photo with.

How do I add a new page to the book?

To add a new page to the book, from another moment in your garden, you can click on Book Options, then click Add New Page. From there, you can select up to 4 photos or a story to add as a new page to your book.

How do I re-arrange the pages in the book?

To change the position of a page in your book, you can click the Page Options button at the top of the page, then select Move Page and specify where you'd like to move your page to.

How do I remove a book from my bookshelf?

From the iOS app, you can press and hold on the book to edit it. Then click the Delete option. From the Moment Garden website, you can click the Edit button in your bookshelf, then click the X icon on the books you'd like to delete.

Print Preview
My Moment Book preview looks funny, will it print like this?

Due to technical contraints like browser resource availabilty, sometimes errors or Moment Book rendering can appear funny. For example, images can look right aligned when it is clear they should be centered with the text. Don't worry, we provide high quality assurance and personally review each Moment Book to ensure your highest satisfaction.

Captions in my Moment Books are cut off, will it print fine?

Sometimes captions will look like they are cut off if they are really long. Don't worry, all the text will fit in the printed book. However, the text could be very small if the caption is large. Therefore, if you are concerned with what it will look like printed, feel free to email us and we'll give you a more accurate preview.

How are emoticons, emojis and similar characters handled?

Emoticons, Emojis and other characters (e.g. 👍) can be added to your Moment Garden and will be shown in your garden but will be stripped from your Moment Books (digital and printed).

Return Policy
What if there's something wrong with my book?

If there's any physical defect with your book, due to printing or shipping, we'll provide you with a new book at no additional charge. Just contact us at help@momentgarden.com to let us know of the problem. If you are unhappy with your book for any reason besides a physical defect, please let us know and we'll do our best to make it right.

2023 Holiday Deadlines
When is the last day to order a Moment Book to receive it by Christmas?

You must place your order by December 1st 2023, to ensure you'll receive it by December 24th 2023.

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