Don't Miss a Moment

Create and Privately Share your Child's Story
Life Tree
As seen on

The Most Important Memories

Save and privately share your child's precious moments with the people who matter most.
It's fun, secure and easy as email.

Everywhere You Need It

Capture and save memories in the moment, right as they occur. Use Moment Garden from your iPhone, Android device, tablet or any computer. Moment Garden is ready for you, anywhere at any time!
Moment Garden Mobile Apps

Bring Your Family Closer Together

Share your memories effortlessly with the people who matter most! Moment Garden will deliver your moments to your family and friends, right in their inbox. We keep your loved ones close, even if they are far away.
Bring your Family Closer

Sleep Well at Night

Don’t risk losing your precious memories. Moment Garden backs up your moments, keeping them safe from computer failure or theft. We built Moment Garden from the ground up as a private, secure place to allow you to safely tell your child's story.
Private and Save

Moment Books

Turn your digital memories into a coffee table fixture that you’ll treasure forever! With Moment Books, you can transform your Moment Garden into a beautifully printed photo book with a single click. Moment Books are the perfect gift for grandma or grandpa, your spouse or even yourself.
Print Moment Books

We’re Here for You

Need help, have a question, or want to share an idea? We’d love to hear from you, and we promise you’ll always hear back from us quickly. Because when you use Moment Garden, we treat you like family.
Excellent Support

Join the Moment Garden Family

Seeing photos and stories of my granddaughter is the highlight of my day. I wish I lived closer, but Moment Garden helps me feel like I’m right there with her as she grows up.
- Betsy, Grandmother
Moment Garden is amazing and makes me feel like superdad for documenting all my son’s memories!
- Ben, Father
All my mommy friends love Moment Garden, and it keeps me from missing out on my friends’ kids growing up.
- Amelia, Friend
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